
S.P.O.K. Force

DJ PVA Polyvinylacid) came to DJing as if he were blind to the violin. During a free hour at high school, his friend showed him the DJay 2 app for iPhone, and at that moment, it was clear to him. “What? So the DJ plays songs with aligned speed over each other?”

All he needed then was to be hit by a car while riding his bike and use the insurance money to buy a cheap controller, laptop, and speakers. But he longed to learn how to play on vinyl, which was made possible by the S.P.O.K. Force crew, whom he soon met. They’ve been playing together for many years and organize wild freeparties everywhere.

Polyvinylacid mainly plays intense and dynamic music such as mental tribe, acid/mental core, but also house and deep/dark techno.


DJ PVA přišel ke hraní jak slepej k houslím. O volný hodině na gymplu mu kámoš ukázal appku DJay 2 pro Iphone a v tu chvíli bylo jasno. “Cože? Takže DJ pouští písničky se srovnanou rychlostí přes sebe?”

Pak už stačilo jenom, aby ho na kole srazilo auto a z pojistky si koupil levnej kontroler, notebook a repráky. Toužil ale, naučit se hrát na gramce, což mu umožnila parta S.P.O.K. Force, se kterýma se brzo seznámil. Se S.P.O.K. Force to táhnou už spoustu let a dělají divoký freeparty všude možně. 

Polyvinylacid hraje především intenzivní a dynamickou hudbu jako mental tribe, acid/mental core, ale třeba i house a deep/dark techno.



S.P.O.K. Force

DJ PVA Polyvinylacid) came to DJing as if he were blind to the violin. During a free hour at high school, his friend showed him the DJay 2 app for iPhone, and at that moment, it was clear to him. “What? So the DJ plays songs with aligned speed over each other?”

All he needed then was to be hit by a car while riding his bike and use the insurance money to buy a cheap controller, laptop, and speakers. But he longed to learn how to play on vinyl, which was made possible by the S.P.O.K. Force crew, whom he soon met. They’ve been playing together for many years and organize wild freeparties everywhere.

Polyvinylacid mainly plays intense and dynamic music such as mental tribe, acid/mental core, but also house and deep/dark techno.


DJ PVA přišel ke hraní jak slepej k houslím. O volný hodině na gymplu mu kámoš ukázal appku DJay 2 pro Iphone a v tu chvíli bylo jasno. “Cože? Takže DJ pouští písničky se srovnanou rychlostí přes sebe?”

Pak už stačilo jenom, aby ho na kole srazilo auto a z pojistky si koupil levnej kontroler, notebook a repráky. Toužil ale, naučit se hrát na gramce, což mu umožnila parta S.P.O.K. Force, se kterýma se brzo seznámil. Se S.P.O.K. Force to táhnou už spoustu let a dělají divoký freeparty všude možně. 

Polyvinylacid hraje především intenzivní a dynamickou hudbu jako mental tribe, acid/mental core, ale třeba i house a deep/dark techno.