Gabriel Le Mar is a music producer, living in Frankfurt/Germany, releasing electronic music with a special focus on deep DubTech sounds and Dub inspired TechHouse.
With an open mind and always in a search for fresh musical experiences, Gabriel Le Mar likes to integrate himself in different artistic constellations with his dub-inspired TechHouse project Dublocation as well as with the artistic collaboration with Dr. Motte.
On his albums Gabriel Le Mar produced tracks that are tailored for the dub inspired clubber, combining different playful approaches of Dub with the functionality and stringency of techhouse music. Bridges are built by energetic and minimal grooves.
With his projects Saafi Brothers and Aural Float, Gabriel composed ambient, space and experimental sound scapes. With Aural Float he worked on audiovisual concepts: as a team they did the artistic supervision of SPACENIGHT, a prototype of a TV-concept, utilizing spectacular film- and documentary footage from outer space with music made on earth. SPACENIGHT became a success on german television and soon reached cult status among the young night watchers until today.
What is your inspiration? What music do you listen to/are you influenced by?
My sources of inspiration are diverse, just like life itself. Therefore I have no pronounced genre preferences in that sense, and try to remain open minded.I can find inspiration in culture/arts/movies/science/fiction/friends/people/places/ideas and so much more.In terms of music, Dub for sure is a major inspiration to me ever since I heard Dub music for the first time on John Peel’s music playing Ruts TC meet the Mad Professor, and the journey began…
What are you bringing to Bohemia? Have you ever been here?
Nope, my first time and I am really looking very much forward to it. I love the name, sounds like a sweet promise :-)I am going to bring my new productions, my fellow Groovetitan who I perform Saafi Brothers with is going to join on electronic live drumming, and a lot of motivation to initially meet the psychedelic Czech tribe!
How do you see Czech psychedelic/psytrance scene compare to others?
I apologize, since I am ging to be there for the first time I’ve had no experiences yet and cannot compare,but from the pics and movies I’ve seen I can’t wait to have my own experience and dig into it.
Your favourite festival? What was your best gig ever?
Hard to just point out one since I am performing since decades,Ozora festival in Hungary is outstanding for sure and one of the best worldwide in many terms, ZNA in Portugal is a beautiful festival run by people devoted to the original vibes, Tribal Gathering in Panama is unique, Antaris in Germany is a special fest since almost 3 decades for sure, and as an artist my favourite is Space Mountain International Cosmic Arts Gathering in Spain where Martin ‘Youth’ Glover (Killing Joke bass player, founder of Dragonfly Records) has got his studio and homeground in the Andalusian mountains and openes the gates for a few magical days on a full moon weekend in Autumn time.Best gigs: too many (lucky enough and very thankful)…opening the festival on the main stage of Ozora 2018 live with Saafi Brothers and X-Dream united on stage just for this spcial show been indescribably amazing, with Saafi Brothers in San Franzisco in 1999 been a blast, and just 2 years before on the BlueRoom stages at Tribal Gathering UK and Roskilde Festival in Denmark been oustanding gigs for sure,playing at the very first international psychedelic open air Sola Luna in Samothraki/Greece been a highlight,performing with Aural Float quite many times at The Orbit club in Leeds/UK been incredible experiences, the gigs during the 90s Berlin Loveparade in the 90s at Tresor, Intereference Festival, been very memorable…
How did you come to your artist/stage name?
It’s just my name ;-)
Your favourite synthesizers?
Too many to just name a few…basically I love equipment from the 1970s and 1980s, all fine Roland gear they built from the 70s and 80s like the TR 808, 909, TB-303, TR-606, Juno106, Promars, Sh 101, MC 202…also Korg synths like the MonoPoly, MS10, MS20, EMULATOR and their z-plane filters…
Can you briefly describe how do you produce your music?
Intuitively. I try not to think too much when creating, I jam with myself or with the ghost in the machine I am using and see where the sound leads me to…unless I’d have to compose music along to a moving image/movie/clip/advertisng, because there is useally a concept and core ideas behind what the music has to unfold in the story telling of the movie. There is alos intuiting, but that is more following the anchors of the briefing.
Do you master it by yourself?
No I don’t, because I appreciate and value the professional distance a mastering engineer has to my work. I usually do not have the critical distance to my own work and that can be delivered way better by a mastering engineer who is checking the high end quality compatibility of my work and not in terms if he/she likes it or not, Physics and Psychology ;-)
What is your relationship to the fire?
Essential element in our world that wouldn’t exost without it.
What do you consider to be the greatest success of yours?
Being alive and happy, and being connected with the people that I love
What did the psytrance/psychedelic culture give you?
Experience. Interconnectivity in terms of re:connecting with the roots of psychedelic culture from Beatnicks, Hippies, Punks – all seekeing for the same: independence, freedom and unity, based on the politics of love.Of course there is aslo so much more between those dots. Most of all I think it is the people that create(d) culture and celebrated it their own ways and shared the vibes. I am talking about the ‘ideas’ here, and I exclude business and materialistic things in my refelctions here, because these are different cultural issues.
What do you do to have some fun/ how do you relax?
Meditation, philosohying with good friends, having musical jam sessions with my friends, my son or myself (I love recording!), being lazy when the time is right ;-)
How do you imagine perfect Saturday morning on the festival?
Sunset music accompanying the rays of the rising sun, filtered sounds, dancing and smiling people between contemplation and exstatic states, enjoying the return of life energy and cycle change into a new day.
Beer or wine?
Neither nor. I prefer tea/coffee, sparkling water, fresh juices, herbs ;-)
Gabriel Le Mar is a music producer, living in Frankfurt/Germany, releasing electronic music with a special focus on deep DubTech sounds and Dub inspired TechHouse.
With an open mind and always in a search for fresh musical experiences, Gabriel Le Mar likes to integrate himself in different artistic constellations with his dub-inspired TechHouse project Dublocation as well as with the artistic collaboration with Dr. Motte.
On his albums Gabriel Le Mar produced tracks that are tailored for the dub inspired clubber, combining different playful approaches of Dub with the functionality and stringency of techhouse music. Bridges are built by energetic and minimal grooves.
With his projects Saafi Brothers and Aural Float, Gabriel composed ambient, space and experimental sound scapes. With Aural Float he worked on audiovisual concepts: as a team they did the artistic supervision of SPACENIGHT, a prototype of a TV-concept, utilizing spectacular film- and documentary footage from outer space with music made on earth. SPACENIGHT became a success on german television and soon reached cult status among the young night watchers until today.
What is your inspiration? What music do you listen to/are you influenced by?
My sources of inspiration are diverse, just like life itself. Therefore I have no pronounced genre preferences in that sense, and try to remain open minded.I can find inspiration in culture/arts/movies/science/fiction/friends/people/places/ideas and so much more.In terms of music, Dub for sure is a major inspiration to me ever since I heard Dub music for the first time on John Peel’s music playing Ruts TC meet the Mad Professor, and the journey began…
What are you bringing to Bohemia? Have you ever been here?
Nope, my first time and I am really looking very much forward to it. I love the name, sounds like a sweet promise :-)I am going to bring my new productions, my fellow Groovetitan who I perform Saafi Brothers with is going to join on electronic live drumming, and a lot of motivation to initially meet the psychedelic Czech tribe!
How do you see Czech psychedelic/psytrance scene compare to others?
I apologize, since I am ging to be there for the first time I’ve had no experiences yet and cannot compare,but from the pics and movies I’ve seen I can’t wait to have my own experience and dig into it.
Your favourite festival? What was your best gig ever?
Hard to just point out one since I am performing since decades,Ozora festival in Hungary is outstanding for sure and one of the best worldwide in many terms, ZNA in Portugal is a beautiful festival run by people devoted to the original vibes, Tribal Gathering in Panama is unique, Antaris in Germany is a special fest since almost 3 decades for sure, and as an artist my favourite is Space Mountain International Cosmic Arts Gathering in Spain where Martin ‘Youth’ Glover (Killing Joke bass player, founder of Dragonfly Records) has got his studio and homeground in the Andalusian mountains and openes the gates for a few magical days on a full moon weekend in Autumn time.Best gigs: too many (lucky enough and very thankful)…opening the festival on the main stage of Ozora 2018 live with Saafi Brothers and X-Dream united on stage just for this spcial show been indescribably amazing, with Saafi Brothers in San Franzisco in 1999 been a blast, and just 2 years before on the BlueRoom stages at Tribal Gathering UK and Roskilde Festival in Denmark been oustanding gigs for sure,playing at the very first international psychedelic open air Sola Luna in Samothraki/Greece been a highlight,performing with Aural Float quite many times at The Orbit club in Leeds/UK been incredible experiences, the gigs during the 90s Berlin Loveparade in the 90s at Tresor, Intereference Festival, been very memorable…
How did you come to your artist/stage name?
It’s just my name ;-)
Your favourite synthesizers?
Too many to just name a few…basically I love equipment from the 1970s and 1980s, all fine Roland gear they built from the 70s and 80s like the TR 808, 909, TB-303, TR-606, Juno106, Promars, Sh 101, MC 202…also Korg synths like the MonoPoly, MS10, MS20, EMULATOR and their z-plane filters…
Can you briefly describe how do you produce your music?
Intuitively. I try not to think too much when creating, I jam with myself or with the ghost in the machine I am using and see where the sound leads me to…unless I’d have to compose music along to a moving image/movie/clip/advertisng, because there is useally a concept and core ideas behind what the music has to unfold in the story telling of the movie. There is alos intuiting, but that is more following the anchors of the briefing.
Do you master it by yourself?
No I don’t, because I appreciate and value the professional distance a mastering engineer has to my work. I usually do not have the critical distance to my own work and that can be delivered way better by a mastering engineer who is checking the high end quality compatibility of my work and not in terms if he/she likes it or not, Physics and Psychology ;-)
What is your relationship to the fire?
Essential element in our world that wouldn’t exost without it.
What do you consider to be the greatest success of yours?
Being alive and happy, and being connected with the people that I love
What did the psytrance/psychedelic culture give you?
Experience. Interconnectivity in terms of re:connecting with the roots of psychedelic culture from Beatnicks, Hippies, Punks – all seekeing for the same: independence, freedom and unity, based on the politics of love.Of course there is aslo so much more between those dots. Most of all I think it is the people that create(d) culture and celebrated it their own ways and shared the vibes. I am talking about the ‘ideas’ here, and I exclude business and materialistic things in my refelctions here, because these are different cultural issues.
What do you do to have some fun/ how do you relax?
Meditation, philosohying with good friends, having musical jam sessions with my friends, my son or myself (I love recording!), being lazy when the time is right ;-)
How do you imagine perfect Saturday morning on the festival?
Sunset music accompanying the rays of the rising sun, filtered sounds, dancing and smiling people between contemplation and exstatic states, enjoying the return of life energy and cycle change into a new day.
Beer or wine?
Neither nor. I prefer tea/coffee, sparkling water, fresh juices, herbs ;-)